Notebook的反應是打開一個新browser,連上這條一點也不cooool的url,跟著forward 到好像PerfSpot.com的網站,這個網站應是假的,因為看佢用frameset特徵,而且其backend 屬兩個唔同的domain名,加上browser address 還是顯示這個coool咩咩,所以肯定有古怪!當然沒有理這個site(遇到這些site,切記不可做任何register或提供資料!),跟後立即查這是什麼一回事,以及delete晒所以browser 的temporary file、cookie、history、password(DeepC從不用自動完成功能的,所以不會有password 留下,但安全起見,還是按 delete auto password button),還有offline Full scan 整台notebook,run 左近三個鐘,好彩沒有Virus。還有一點很重要,就是將電腦離線!
而這個site,看似專偷IM user 資料,用來發放垃圾郵件及信息。(如上面提及的offine message)**所以大家收到這個網址時不要點擊它, 也不要理會相關信息**
而在網上的搜尋結果小得很,連McAfee都只有一個記錄,還是同一天貼上的,可見這個這隻東西是多新。McAfee還未有報告出來,但他們大約估計是spammer "distributed through email and instant messaging spam, uses browser exploits to distribute spyware etc",相信報告會在幾天後發出。
Since your computer might be infected with spyware, before you complete the following list do not use your computer for security-sensitive activities like online banking. Fastest way: System Restore (1). Change your MSN Messenger/Hotmail/MSN Passport password on another computer immediately (2). Restore your computer back to any time earlier than 《 the spyware detonation time 》, restart your computer as instructed (3). Download and install a anti-spyware software, update it; scan and clean your computer If you need more information on anti-spyware, you can try Spybot S&D or Spyware Doctor from Google Pack. If the system restore is disabled on your computer, then you will have to do it manually: Safest way: Scan and Clean [1]. Change your MSN Messenger/Hotmail/MSN Passport password on another computer immediately [2]. Download and install an anti-spyware software (as suggested above) [3]. Update it and immunize it (for Sypbot S&D you can immunize your computer for more protection) [4]. Scan your computer for spyware, clean and remove all threads [5]. Try restarting your computer, monitor for any unknown thread/process running [6]. Try to locate the unknown thread/process from Windows Explorer -> Search and confirm it they are something real and necessary for operations [7]. If something problematic found, locate the entry from Registry and remove it, delete the related files by [Shift]+[Del] to bypass Recycle Bin [8]. Return to step 6 until all possible problematic thread/process cleaned Let me know if you need more information on this. |
DeepC現在用desktop出blog及email,MSN password 用不同的電腦改過兩次,而 Notebook呢,就還原到27 Mar 2008,另裝多一個 Spyware Doctor,以及用這個新software full scan左兩次,結果沒有大問題,多是廣告cookies 那類東東吧,將所有懷疑的東西己刪去,相信99%沒事了,但還會繼續觀察,跟平日一樣,而大家也要小心些啊。 :)