
Ubuntu => Rays

上星期三玩過Ubuntu,所以第二晚回到家就試安裝啦,點知唔得wor,跟後兩晚都不停找原因及re-install,結果一樣,唔掂! :(
星期日半夜,轉install Rays,得左! ^-^ Rays 個 desktop 都幾好看,但run 得慢過 Ubuntu.我想玩 Ubuntu 呀~

點解install 唔到Ubuntu 架? 真係丫~ 以下是用image CD boot 好Ubuntu 後的不正常desktop介面圖.

2 則留言:

  1. Seems the refresh rate problem of your monitor. Have you try to choose "Start Ubuntu in Safe graphic Mode" on the boot prompt?

  2. Yes, I tried several times in using "Start Ubuntu in Safe graphic Mode", however it still not worked~~~
