14:19:35 | L君: | 有無玩linux? |
14:24:39 | B君: | er... a little bit only |
14:25:18 | L君: | 咁 php 呢? |
14:25:26 | B君: | no |
14:25:59 | L君: | 咁java 呢? |
14:26:11 | B君: | er.. a little bit |
14:26:38 | L君: | 咁 Linux + Java = more than a little bit la |
14:26:53 | B君: | |
14:31:05 | L君: | 其實係想問有關 linux 安裝 sun jdk的問題. 安裝左sun jdk之後, 好似要用class 果時唔識point to sun jdk, 道致那些 PHP run 唔到. 我想查下係米這個原因run唔到個Php program. |
14:34:45 | B君: | hm.. i am not so sure... environment setting? |
14:36:37 | L君: | 以display 出來的status message 來看, 應該 jdk 己運作到, 但係米真的run 到就唔多知, 因為個php program 都唔work. |
14:47:43 | B君: | o~~ don't know.. |
14:49:06 | L君: | feel sleepy tim ar when I am handling this boring problem. |
14:49:18 | B君: | |
14:49:33 | L君: | you know, the php program has no problem when it run under Windows enviornment. |
14:50:40 | B君: | then should be some environment setting problem |
14:56:59 | L君: | maybe or it may be a compatible problem |
15:05:10 | B君: | hm~ |
15:08:20 | L君: | 眼瞓無藥醫 |
15:10:27 | B君: | |
15:10:45 | L君: | 我無講錯呀 |
15:11:40 | B君: | 無無 |
15:12:11 | L君: |
(P.S. the problem have been fixed after 17:30 on the same day.)